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How to Save Money in a Bad Economy: Food and Supply Source
Home / Food / How to Save Money in a Bad Economy
30 September 2022, by , in Food, Savings, Comments off

The current state of the economy is bad, but that does not mean your non-profit has to suffer. There are ways to save money, even in a bad economy. One way to save money is by using a food and supply source. Food & Supply Source  can help you reduce your spend by up to 35%. Additionally, at Food & Supply Source we can help you reduce the time of your staff and have customized menus for your for the people you serve and best of all our services are FREE! Here’s how you can save money in a bad economy by using a food and supply source.

  1. Lower Costs: We leverage the buying power of our members to lower your costs on food, supplies and services. This helps you save money, even in a bad economy.
  2. Reduce Time: Time is money. By using Food & Supply Source, you can reduce the amount of time your staff spends on tasks like food shopping and menu planning. This frees up time for your staff to focus on other tasks, which can help increase productivity.
  3. Customized Menus: Food & Supply Source can provide you with customized menus for the people you serve. This helps ensure that the folks you are feeding are getting the food they want, while also staying within your budget.

In conclusion, there are ways to save money, even in a bad economy. One way to do this is by using  Food & Supply Source.

Food & Supply Source can help you lower your costs, reduce the time of your staff, and have customized menus for your clients. By using a Food & Supply Source, you can save money in a bad economy. Check out our video.

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