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17 December 2013, by , in blog, Budgeting, Design, Development, Education, Head Start, Health, Savings, Comments off
Head Start Program Encourages Fathers and Male Figure Involvement A Head Start Program in Bogalusa, Louisiana launched an event that was aimed at getting male family members more involved in the local early childhood learning program. Dads for December is a hands-on opportunity for fathers, grandfathers, godfathers, uncles and other significant male figures to become more involved in a child’s life. The Dads for December program is one of four events that are held each year at the local Head Start Program under a wider opportunity known as Head Start’s Dedicated Dads. The program encourages participation between male figures and children to complete craft projects, giving fathers and other important...
17 December 2013, by , in blog, Budgeting, Education, Head Start, Savings, Supplies, Comments off
Restoration of Lost Head Start Program Seats Could Happen if Budget Deal Passes The bi-partisan federal budget deal that is currently being considered in Washington, D.C. could bring back some of the funding that was taken from early childhood education programs like the Head Start Program in March 2013. In addition to returning what has been estimated as 50 percent of the reduced budget, legislators could pave the way to restore the 57,000 slots that were reduced during sequestration. The deal was announced by Congress as a bi-partisan compromise, which would at the very least partially restore the budget cuts. Exact figures on the restoration won’t be available until the...
Good News for Head Start Programs Despite Cuts in Federal Funding Head Start programs in America have been on the wrong end of budget cuts in recent months. It started with sequestration, which resulted in cuts to Head Start program that went into effect in March of this year, following across-the-board reductions to government funded programs. The government shutdown did little to help the already struggling program by stalling grants that were due to have been issued to Head Start to keep it afloat on October 1st. Angel Investors Fortunately for 7,200 children who depend on the Head Start program for meals, medical screenings and preschool training, a couple from...
Budget Cuts Are Coming to Head Start: How Preparation and Planning Can Help As our nation continues to struggle with the current financial crisis, many programs supported by government funding have and will continue to feel the pinch. The National Head Start Association is trying to help local programs keep their heads above water during this time of economic trouble, helping doors to remain open and secure that these opportunities stay available to the children and families who need it the most. How Will Budget Cuts Affect My Head Start? Beginning in 2013, the Obama Administration has annnounced that it would be cutting all “non-defense discretionary” function by as much...